Rumor Refutation: Pay Attention to Dental Health NO.1

Rumor 2: Orthodontic treatment easily leads to tooth mobility, and teeth are more likely to fall out when one ages.

✔/✗: Incorrect statement.

The principle of tooth movement is analogous to tree transplantation, where transplanted trees gradually take root and become more stable, similarly, teeth stabilize in their new positions after orthodontic treatment.



During treatment, to ensure tooth stability, orthodontists typically apply appropriate force over a suitable duration to facilitate the adaptation of teeth and periodontal tissues to their new positions.

Temporary tooth mobility may occur during this process, which is a natural phenomenon. Under the supervision of a professional dentist, this mobility is controllable and does not compromise the long-term stability of the teeth.



Tooth loss in old age is usually associated with long-term neglect of oral hygiene, such as irregular tooth brushing, infrequent dental scaling, and untreated periodontal diseases. These factors are the underlying causes leading to the deterioration of periodontal diseases and eventual tooth loss.

Rumor 3: During tooth correction, doctors usually require tooth extraction, otherwise it will delay the orthodontic process.

✔/✗: Incorrect statement.

The issue of whether or not to extract teeth during orthodontic treatment has been debated in the orthodontic community for over 100 years. In reality, the extraction of teeth is not the primary concern; rather, the primary consideration should be the objectives of the orthodontic treatment.