Rumor Refutation:Learn theTruth and Bust the Rumors

Rumor 1 :Suddenly jerking during sleep may indicate a risk of sudden death.

✔/✗:This is a wrong statement

This is not a sign of “sudden death.” This phenomenon is called “hypnic jerk,” also known as “sleep start” or “sleep myoclonus.” Hypnic jerk poses no threat to life but can interfere with our sleep and affect sleep quality.



To improve sleep quality when experiencing hypnic jerk, here are some suggestions:



  1. Learn to relax and relieve stress.
  2. Exercise appropriately and avoid electronic devices before bedtime.
  3. Drink more lukewarm water and reduce consumption of stimulating beverages such as coffee and strong tea.
  4. Increase calcium intake.
  5. Soak your feet and give yourself a foot massage before bedtime.

In summary, experiencing a “sudden jerk while sleeping” is a normal physiological phenomenon in life, and there is no need for excessive concern.

Rumor 2 :Long-term consumption of milk may increase the risk of breast cancer.

✔/✗:This is a wrong statement

This is a study of “correlation” rather than “causality,” akin to the observation that more people eat ice cream on hot days and more people suffer from heatstroke, but this does not indicate that eating ice cream causes heatstroke.