Rumor Refutation:Learn theTruth and Bust the Rumors

According to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)’s report on breast cancer, there is no consistent conclusion regarding the relationship between milk consumption and cancer, and some studies even suggest that dairy intake is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

An expert panel has reviewed multiple relevant research evidences to date and believes that dairy intake is not related to the risk of breast cancer.

Currently, factors such as alcohol consumption, excessive red meat intake, low whole grain and cereal consumption, inadequate exercise, obesity, and mental stress are recognized as being associated with the risk of breast cancer.

Therefore, consuming milk daily for calcium supplementation does not increase the risk of breast cancer, and adopting a healthy lifestyle is the most important aspect of disease prevention.

Rumor 3 :Adjusting the air conditioning on and off according to the room temperature can save electricity.

✔/✗:This is a wrong statement

Frequently switching the air conditioner on and off actually consumes more electricity. Even the simplest air conditioner is composed of a compressor, reversing valve, condenser, throttling valve, and evaporator. During the cooling process of an air conditioner, the compressor plays the most crucial role and is the major energy consumer.