Rumor Refutation:Learn theTruth and Bust the Rumors

Rumor 1 :The middle layer of the mask that cannot burn is the real mask

✔/✗:This is a wrong statement

The main material of masks includes polypropylene and others. According to data, polypropylene is a thermoplastic resin produced by the polymerization of propylene, and the material itself is flammable. However, relevant regulations state that “the materials used in masks should not be flammable, and the afterglow time should not exceed 5 seconds.” Therefore, there is no requirement for masks to be “non-flammable.”

Rumor 2 :If the waste in the blood vessels is not cleared, it can form blood clots and block the blood vessels.

✔/✗:This is a wrong statement

There are no so-called “trash” or “toxins” in the blood vessels; rather, there are only metabolic waste products. These waste products are natural byproducts of cellular metabolism. Normally, they are transported through the bloodstream to specific organs and ultimately excreted from the body without causing any harm.

For example, urea, guanidine compounds, phenols, and other products resulting from protein metabolism are excreted through the kidneys. Drinking adequate water and increasing urine output can help accelerate the removal of metabolic waste products.

Moreover, no health supplements can eliminate these waste products from the body.

Rumor 3 :Eating uncooked tomatoes can cause poisoning.

✔/✗:This statement is not entirely correct

Indeed, unripe green tomatoes contain a large amount of solanine, a weakly alkaline glycoside composed of glucose residues and solanidine. Solanine has a strong irritant and corrosive effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa and can paralyze the central nervous system, especially the respiratory and motor centers, potentially leading to death in severe cases. Therefore, unripe green tomatoes should not be consumed raw.

Of course, cooked green tomatoes are also not suitable for consumption, as solanine has good thermal stability and cannot be effectively removed by typical cooking methods.

For ripe red tomatoes, the solanine has been metabolized and converted by the plant itself, so they can be consumed raw, and there is no problem with cooking them.